To ensure that the objectives are achieved, a Quality Plan is established that will be presented at the first online meeting by EST, which has extensive experience in the development and evaluation of projects. This plan already has the qualitative and quantitative indicators defined, and they will be ratified by all the partners in said first meeting.

The Quality Plan will be based on four essential aspects for the execution of the project that will be evaluated: quality in the relevance of the work developed, quality in the execution and implementation, quality in the work carried out by the partners in the development of the STARTKNOW eLearning Platform as a tangible intellectual product and, finally, quality in dissemination and impact. These four aspects will be monitored and EST will present its evaluation at each meeting so that, if necessary, the appropriate preventive and corrective measures are taken in each case, safeguarding the project's objectives at all times. The evaluation of the necessary quality questionnaires and of the tasks that receive feedback will be the responsibility of EST.

Every six months EST will carry out an internal audit of all aspects of the project based on the four areas of action mentioned above.

For the development of the modules and topics included in the STARTKNOW eLearning Platform, Google Docs will be used as a tool, which allows concurrent work. A quality format will be established that will be used in the reviews of each of the topics to be developed by the partners.

The first Wednesday of each month a videoconference will be held to monitor the project. If necessary, bilateral or three meetings will be scheduled to advance the topics of the eLearning platform.


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