The Dissemination Plan was managed by EURO-NET. His great experience is a guarantee to identify what to communicate, when to communicate it, who should communicate it, by what channels and quantify the impact of each communication. The Plan defines three key moments that depend on the timing of the project:


Communications on the objectives and expected results, as well as the milestones that are being achieved:

  • - Project website: Second month, proposed by EURO-NET, programmed by BLUE BEEHIVE.

  • - Banner to integrate in the web pages of the partners, available from the fourth month. It will also be used on social networks.
  • - Creation of the social networks of the project (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) Available from the second month.
  • -Communications in the written press, radio, television that will be promoted after each milestone reached.


Dissemination of results:
  • - Available for download from the website. Each issue will be circulated so that the impact is maximized.

  • - Partner websites will update the banner to announce the download of the results.
  • - Announcements will also be made on the social networks of both the project and the partners. While in the official networks it will be in English, in those controlled by each of the partners, the language of the partner will be used to improve the scope and impact.
  • - Use of the written press, radio and television after each milestone that allows for the development of a news item.


Communications of the final seminars:

  • - A final seminar will be held in each country and, therefore, it will be disseminated by each partner.

  • - The event will also be announced on the project's website.


In the final phase of the project, a conference was planned to present the results and promote the STARTKNOW platform. It has been agreed that each partner will carry out at least one day to reach 30 participants from the target group set out in the project and also youth experts or those related to the employability of young people.

During the development of the project, it is intended to activate the target groups so that they become followers of the project through social networks.

This way it will be much easier to gather the target groups for the final events. This is how each partner will do it, contacting the youth areas of the town halls, employment offices, youth associations and groups, areas related to the business of the universities, with student delegations, in the area of ​​influence of each partner will be contacted With associations of young entrepreneurs, chambers of commerce, associations and local and regional formal and non-formal training centers will be contacted during the project. Through these entities it will be possible for the participants to learn about the project and attend the event.


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